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A Few Tips To Prepare For Your Soft Washing Service:

A close up of a valve with a red handle on a white background.

1. Make Sure Your Outdoor Water Spigot Is Turned On

You can ensure that your outside water spigot is on by checking the valve usually found in the basement.

A white window with the door open on a white background.

2. Make Sure To Close All Windows

We will always try to double check windows to ensure no leaks.

A 3d model of a table and chairs on a white background.

3. Move Any Furniture Off Of The Cleaning Area.

We are able to move, items for you however, if your furniture takes an abnormal amount of time to move around we will have to charge for the extra time.

A pair of black and grey sneakers with white laces on a white background.

4. Remember To Take Inside Shoes Or Any Other Item From Your Porch That May Get In The Way Of Cleaning

We do not want to get the cleaning solution on your shoes or clothing.

A hedge with lots of green leaves on a white background

5. (Optional But Highly Encouraged) Trim Your Bushes That May Be Preventing Access To The Siding

Bushes can often make it difficult to clean certain areas of a house so it helps when the bushes are trimmed back.

A cartoon husky dog wearing a red collar and tag

6. Keep Children & Pets Inside

This is strictly for safety. We do not want the cleaning solution to get in your children's eyes or risk getting it on your pets.

A red toy car with a convertible top on a white background.

7. Please Park Your Cars Away From The House

Either park your vehicles on the garage or on the street to prevent over spray from getting on the car.

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