The prices represented in with this calculator are for properties located within the Eco Clean service area which can be seen with this map:
The first step in using Eco Clean's online calculator is to select the services you need. Whether it's a single service or a combination of services, this tool has you covered. For this demonstration, Nevin will focus on house washing, which is one of our most common services.
Once you've chosen your service, you'll need to enter some essential details about your property. One crucial piece of information is the square footage of your property, as it plays a significant role in determining the cost. If you already know your square footage, you can simply enter it. However, if you're uncertain, Eco Clean provides a user-friendly "measure map" tool to help you calculate it accurately.
The "measure map" tool is an excellent option for those who don't know the exact square footage of their property. It allows you to measure the square footage easily and precisely. Nevin demonstrates how to use this tool briefly in the video. It can be a useful tool if you do not know the SQFT of your home.
Next, you'll need to select the dominant surface material of your property. For example, in Nevin's area (PA), most houses are made of vinyl. However, if your property features a mix of materials like vinyl and stucco, choose the one that requires the most attention. This selection helps Eco Clean determine the price more accurately.
In addition to the square footage and surface material, you'll also need to input other relevant details such as the number of stories in your home and whether you have a walkout basement. Nevin provides an example by entering values for a two-story house with no walkout basement.
Once you've completed all the necessary steps, the online calculator will generate an estimated price for your project. Keep in mind that this is just an example, and your actual price may vary based on your specific property and requirements.
If you're comfortable with the estimated price, you can proceed to click "accept and book" to schedule your cleaning service with Eco Clean. However, there's no obligation to proceed, and you can contact them via text, phone call, or email to discuss your options further.
Eco Clean's online calculator tool is a convenient way to obtain an estimate for your cleaning project. It empowers you to make informed decisions about your cleaning needs while providing flexibility in scheduling services. If you have any questions or require additional information, don't hesitate to reach out to our team. Thanks for watching the tutorial, and have a fantastic day!
By following these steps, you can easily use Eco Clean's online calculator to get an estimate for your project and make an informed decision about your cleaning needs. Don't hesitate to contact Eco Clean if you have any questions or need further assistance. Happy cleaning!